If you are like me and have been traveling abroad from India say about a decade back you would have encountered these hassles. When you travel abroad with valuable items like a Laptop (its kind of funny to say Laptop was considered valuable) you needed to fill a paper work like this export certificate (shown below) at the customs counter after immigration in Indian Airports. Without this paper if you were to get your items back, you will be charged exorbitant customs duty on your arrival.

Thank God for the reforms that happened last decade these procedures have been eliminated. Nowadays customs officials pretty much don’t care what you take out or bring for individual travelers.


I found the above old one form (2003) from my bookshelf today and wondering how we lived in those era of “Red Tape”. With the recent restrictions Government of India is brining on import of Gold, probably I don’t need to wonder for long as we seem to be entering them all over again????

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