Chennai has been hosting an International Film Festival for last 9 years and I have been wanting to attend it. Only this year I manage to go for some films. This year is 10th Chennai Film Festival, for which you can get a pass for Rs.500 to attend any of the films that are screened across many screens in the four days (13-16 December 2012). Though I am not an ardent film buff, I do enjoy a good cinema. International films open you to see different cultures, people & practises, it also makes you realise people across the world may look different, follow different faiths but all of them experience more or less same emotions.

10th Chennai Film Festival

Due to office work, I couldn’t go for the first day (Thursday, 13th Dec) and for much of the day today. Late evening I got out of work and went to Rani Seethai Hall (which has been provided with a special screen to show films for this festival) near Gemini Flyover to watch the 8:15 PM show. On the way, I grabbed few Veg Sandwiches from a Coffee Day outlet on the way as I knew I won’t get anything to eat or drink at this Hall and how right I was.

I have many fond memories of this Auditorium (Rani Seethai Hall) where I have gone with my Dad for many Tamil Comedy & Historic Plays during my school days. Recently the Hall has been completely renovated with modern settings, audio and acoustics. When I reached the venue crowds were walking out of the previous screening (which was a Tamil film) and hardly few dozens walked along with me for the next screening.



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