Red Carpet aka Tapete Vermelho (2005) is a Brazilian Comedy Drama by Director Luís Alberto Pereira. It is made available for free online viewing here (valid till 16th Oct 2020) by Indo Cine Appreciation Foundation with the help of Embassy of Brazil.

Quinzinho is a hard-working farmer with a small plot of land in the country side in Brazil. He leads a happy life with his wife Zulmira, a devout Christian & a local healer; and his young boy Neco. Quinzinho promises to take his boy to see a movie by Brazil’s famous comedian of a bygone era Mazzaropi (1912-1981) at a movie theatre, just as his father did when Quinzinho was a small boy. He sets out on a journey with his family & his donkey to find a cinema hall. Unfortunately, there are hardly any theatres in the near-by towns and even the one standing are not old films. The family encounters interesting characters along the way, both and good people: they face kindness from unexpected quarters, get called by their derogatory name of Redneck,  get cheated by a conman, get separated due to a police raid and so on. Did Quinzhinho succeed in his mission?

I suppose the population shown in the film are strong believers, there are a lot of mention of prayers, faith and the temptation to avoid from the dark-side/devil. Check out this film for a part of Brazil, most of us won’t be knowing. I expected the second-half to be dramatic and overly-emotional, but it was fast-paced compared to the first-half. I liked the film.

Vinícius Miranda, Gorete Milagres & Matheus Nachtergaele

Vinícius Miranda, Gorete Milagres & Matheus Nachtergaele

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