Though I purchased this DVD a year ago (at a steep price of INR 499)  I didn’t get the time to watch it till now. Today was a Sunday and I was free from any work, I had the time to watch the movie “An Inconvenient Truth” made by former Vice President Al Gore. I didn’t know Al Gore was such a powerful speaker, he was amazing on stage – I have noted down a few presentation tips from his speech. He seems to have come out as a more powerful person after his dramatic hair-splitting loss of the US Presidency to George W Bush in 2000.

The movie is brief and runs only for about 90 minutes and it is completely on a presentation given by Al Gore with clippings in between. Since enough has been said about this movie and global warming, all I will say – is this is a very compelling movie for the cause of reducing our effects on the environment. I pledge to start doing my small baby steps on this from today.

An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore

An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore

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