Few days back I joined my son while he was seeing in Pogo channel this movie – Mr. Bean: The Movie. The movie is a full-length comedy just like any of the Mr.Bean’s series. I had a thorough laugh for the 2 hours+ of the movie.

The story is a simple line but was enough for Rowan Atkinson to exploit to his fullest advantage. Bean works as a caretaker at Britain’s Royal National Gallery where his bosses want to fire him, but couldn’t because the chairman of the gallery likes him. They send him to a Los Angeles (USA) art gallery instead, where he’ll have to officiate the opening of the greatest US picture ever (called “Whistler’s Mother”). There David Langley, curator of the LA museum invites Mr Bean to stay with his family and Bean begins causing problems to David’s marriage and family.  Bean is given a few minutes alone to study the painting for his grand “speech”, however, Bean sneezes on the painting and wipes it with a handkerchief, not knowing that it is covered in blue ink. Terrified, Bean tries to fix it but causes more damage.Rest of the story is how during the night, Mr Bean hatches a plan and restores the painting by keeping a copy. In the climax, Bean is mistaken for a doctor and pushed into an operating theatre with a policeman on the bed, who has been shot. While the other doctors and nurses are distracted, Bean unconventionally retrieves the bullet and saves him. Overall, the movie is a total comedy riot – enjoy it.

histler's Mother painting in Mr Bean The Movie

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