After seeing a posting in Facebook by a friend I took to Cigarettes. Ordered online a box of 24 packets, each with 10 sticks. I got them delivered today and immediately started “eating” a full pack.


Disclaimer: Smoking Tobacco cigarettes are injurious to health

Before any of my readers get worried, go back to reading my last sentence, notice the keyword there, I was eating cigarettes.

Yes, I am talking about Sweet Cigarettes, the sugar candy variety that was popular (after seeing Rajini movies) with kids during my school days in 1980s.

The most famous brand then (and now only one) was Phantom sweet cigarettes. I found them online from their manufacturer Harnik, the below box of 24 Pack (10 sticks each) costs just Rs.150 including shipping. Come on, let us all buy these (sweet) cigarettes!

Phantom Sweet Cigarettes (Candy)

Phantom Sweet Cigarettes (Candy)

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